Consumers' Testimonials (Goat Milk)
Mummy Jacylene & Clerine

Recently, we noticed that Clerine's height percentile consistently falling below 50%, prompting us to consider switching her milk formula.

After much research & recommendations from my friends, I decided to introduce Karihome Goat Milk to my 3-year-old, Clerine, and the positive experience has been noteworthy. Here's why Karihome has become our preferred choice:

I chose goat milk for my child because it comes from Karihome's farms in New Zealand, ensuring top-notch quality control. Goat milk is gentle by nature & has been clinically proven to support a happy tummy! With 70% of immunity cells located in the gut, a strong gut = strong immunity! Karihome's NutriKept technology retains the natural goodness of goat milk.

After consuming Karihome goat milk a few times, we noticed some improvement in Clerine's digestive system, and her stools are not as hard as before. A win in my books!

