Karihome Goat Milk Formulas
Fresh goat milk normally has a strong gamey taste. Will Karihome Goat Milk formulas have a gamey taste too?

Fresh goat milk is rich in short-chain fatty acids that cause a strong gamey taste. Goat milk may smell of goats if the milk fat is damaged. Dairy Goat Cooperative (DGC) has developed ways to reduce any damage to the milk fat to prevent any goat smell from developing. This includes strict guidelines for what animals are fed (Goats in New Zealand graze in a natural environment with high quality pastures to produce high quality milk), how they are milked and rapid cooling of milk until it is processed. In addition, the formula making process has also been designed to prevent damage to the goat milk fat in the formula. Karihome Goat Milk formulas from New Zealand tastes smooth and is easy to drink. Most babies adapt well to Karihome Goat Milk formulas as the gamey taste has been reduced by special production techniques.

