Mum Care
Special Diet - If You have High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

For the women suffering from long-standing essential hypertension (even before pregnancy), anti-hypertensive medications and a low-salt diet are advocated to help treat this condition.


Hypertension that arises only during the course of the pregnancy (gestational hypertension or preeclampsia) is characterised by the development of high blood pressure (>140/90 mmHg), swelling of the extremities and proteins in the urine during pregnancy from >20 weeks of pregnancy onwards. 



Those who are primiparas (never delivered before), above 35 years of age, with twins or triplets or have pre-existing hypertension or diabetes are at a higher risk of developing this condition. In some instances, this condition has been known to arise during labour or after the delivery of the baby. Many other organ systems can also be affected and notably seizures (eclampsia) can occur in severe cases. When the organ systems are severely affected, they can pose a danger to the mother and fetus. 


Treatment entails the delivery of both the baby and the placenta. 



The warning symptoms to this severe condition include severe headaches, visual disturbances, severe nausea and vomiting, and right sided upper abdominal pain. If you suffer from any one of these symptoms after being diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, prompt medical attention is mandatory. 



Reference: Healthhub
