Mum Care
Antenatal Check Ups

Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you know you're pregnant. Antenatal care is important to keep you and your baby healthy throughout the pregnancy. You'll likely see your doctor for the first time in week 5. Most people will have about 10 appointments before baby is due.


Ideally you should visit your doctor with your partner and go armed with both your medical histories. Your doctor will be interested to know about any family medical history that may have an impact on your pregnancy. These include genetic conditions or diseases like diabetes. If you've had previous pregnancies, miscarriages or problems with fertility, your doctor will need to know about these too.


Here is a complete guide of week 1 to 40 of your pregnancy week by week.


There are a series of prenatal tests and scans available to check on the well-being of both mother and baby during pregnancy but not all tests are necessary. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the ones you need.


Apart from the routine tests that are carried out at every antenatal visit such as blood pressure, weight, and urine dipstick for sugar and protein, the following tests are also performed if your doctor considers them necessary.


Prenatal Tests

Reference: HealthHub, HealthXchange, KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospitals
