Baby Care
Safe Living Environment
  1. Babies should sleep on their backs. Baby sleeping on his or her stomach may likely lead to sudden infant death syndrome. The stomach sleeping position is not recommended as it may lead to suffocation or even sudden infant death syndrome. Sleeping on the side is not recommend too as it is easy to roll from side to stomach.

  2. Your baby's mattress should be smooth and not too soft. Besides bedsheets, there should not be any pillows, quilts, or blankets next to your sleeping baby. The baby cot should be firm and just covered with bedsheets.

  3. Do not let your baby touch the soft items, beddings, pillows, quilt, blanket, wool products or stuffed toys around the baby cot. If there are cushions, they need to be firm, thin, and well secured. It is not necessary to put a baby wrap behind your baby's back.

  4. When using towels or blankets, your baby should be wrapped up to his or her chest to reduce the chance of the towel or blanket covering his or her face.
  5. The sleeping environment should not be too warm. Do not wear too many clothes or put on a hat for your baby.
  6. Co-sleeping with your baby on the same bed is not recommended as it can increase the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy and fatal sleeping accidents.


Baby Sleeping
