Baby Care
Skin Care: Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is common and can happen no matter how careful you are about looking after your baby's bottom. Almost all children who wear diapers get diaper rash at some stage.

Many things can combine to cause diaper rash in your child. The main cause is wearing a wet or dirty diaper for too long. Prolonged dampness, friction and ammonia substances released from urine can irritate your child's skin. Plastic pants often make diaper rash worse because they stop air circulating normally and keep the diaper area damp. Soaps and detergents left on cloth diapers after washing can also contribute to diaper rash. Sometimes children also have other conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, thrush or impetigo, which might make diaper rash worse.


baby yawn


How to handle it?


Diaper rash will usually get better or go away within a few days of taking the following steps.

Change your baby's nappies frequently

Frequent diaper changes keep the diaper area dry and give your child's skin a chance to heal. Check your child every hour or so to see if his diaper is wet or soiled. Change wet or soiled diapers straight away.

Let your baby's bottom 'air'

Give your baby's bottom some air for as long as possible every day. You can leave baby lying on an open diaper or a towel (naked from the waist down) even while she's sleeping. You can also try fastening her diaper loosely, to allow air to circulate freely.

Clean your baby's skin

Use lukewarm water and a mild soap to wash your baby's skin. Rinse the skin thoroughly and gently pat him dry with a towel. Use running water to clean your baby where possible.

If you're using disposable wipes, make sure they don't contain alcohol or other irritants, which will sting and irritate the raw areas on your baby's skin. Also, some babies might be allergic to the preservatives in disposable wipes.

Use an appropriate protective cream after each diaper change

Apply a simple cheap barrier cream thickly with every change. You can get these creams from a supermarket or a pharmacy without a prescription.

Talcum-based powders aren't recommended for diaper rash, because accidentally breathing in a puff of talcum powder can cause breathing difficulties in babies.

Rinse cloth diapers thoroughly after they're washed

This gets rid of soap residue in your baby's diaper. Bleach is most effective for killing bacteria, but make sure to rinse the diapers well in fresh water after using bleach-based detergents. Ensure the diapers are quite dry before using them again.

Avoid plastic overpants if you're using cloth diapers.


Always keep your child's diaper area clean and dry. Change your child's diaper frequently and give his bottom air as often as you can.

Protective barrier creams can help keep your child's skin in good condition.


When to see a doctor about diaper rash

You should take your child to see a healthcare professional if:



Reference: Baby Bonus Parenting Resources
