Baby Care
Childhood Illnesses: Fever

A normal, healthy person has a body temperature around 37 degrees Celsius. When our body is invaded by virus or bacteria, the immune system raises our body temperature to fight the infection, resulting in a fever.

A fever can happen suddenly and it may not be easy to pinpoint its cause.

Look out for these illnesses and their accompanying symptoms, which tend to cause fever in children:


A recent vaccination may bring about a low-grade fever, but teething in babies usually does not cause fever.


Measuring the body temperature

Choose a thermometer that is easy to use depending on the age of your child:

Do not use a mercury thermometer for children under six in case of breakage leading to mercury poisoning.

A temperature between 37.5 to 37.9 degrees Celsius is a low-grade fever, and a temperature above 38.5 degrees Celsius is high fever.

To help your child feel more comfortable, here's what you can do to bring down his temperature:

  1. Sponge him with lukewarm water. Do not sponge your child with ice water or cold water, or for more than 30 minutes at a time.

  2. Dress your child in thin clothing and cool the room. Do not wrap him in thick blankets to “sweat it out” as it will prevent him from losing heat.

  3. Let your child rest more and drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.

  4. Seek medical advice and take the prescribed dosage of fever medication like paracetamol and ibuprofen (provided your child has no allergies) if his fever remains above 38.5 degrees Celsius. Do not give your child aspirin.



When Should You Bring Your Child to the Doctor?

Fever can be scary, especially if your child is very young, or if his fever is persistently high for a few days. Very high fever in children may cause febrile fits but rarely do high fever and febrile fits lead to brain damage.


A higher temperature does not mean a more severe illness. Fever is a symptom of an underlying disease and a sign that the body is fighting the disease.


Depending on your child's age, look out for changes in his behaviour when deciding whether and when, to bring him to the doctor.

 Dr & baby


If your child appears well and is able to take feeds or eat despite running a fever, let him rest and sponge him to keep his temperature below 38 degrees Celsius.


However, if your child has a fever and shows the following signs, bring him to the doctor:


You should also bring your child to the doctor if:



Reference: HealthHub
