Baby Care
Childhood Illnesses: Diarrhoea and Vomiting

In newborns, the ring of muscle between the esophagus and the stomach – the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) – is not fully matured. Hence, they will get gastroesophageal reflux easily. When your baby is drinking milk, they may swallow air into his/her stomach. If the air does not clear totally, he/she may spit out some milk when he/she burps or have hiccups. These are the common reasons for milk spills. If your baby spits out yellow, green bile or he/she is not gaining weight, you should speak with your healthcare professional.

Generally, your baby should have one to three bowel movements a day. You should observe the shape, color, smell and amount of the stools to help prevent gastrointestinal disease. Most newborns will have bowel movements while drinking milk. This is a natural reflex called the gastrocolic reflex. Often because the stools are watery, your baby may fart and make bowel movements at the same time, hence increased bowel movements. As long as your baby eats normally, is active and gains weight, there is no need to worry.

Treating Children with Diarrhoea at Home

Children less than 12 months old

Breastfed babies: Continue breastfeeding and feed more often.


Formula-fed babies:


Children more than 12 months old


Drink milk



If your baby is having the following symptoms, please bring him/her to the doctor as soon as possible:


Reference: HealthHub
