Baby Care
Baby Feeding: Burping Techniques

Upright: Rest your baby's head on your shoulder, always be cautious not to press your baby's mouth and nose. Curl one of your palms slightly and place it on the back of your baby, pat gently from bottom to top to help release the gas.

Sitting on your lap: Lean your baby slightly forward and sit him or her on your lap. Gently support your baby's chin and jaw with your fingers. The palm of the other hand should curl slightly to pat or rub from the bottom to the top of your baby's back.

Your little one is still learning how to swallow properly and his or her newborn digestive system is still developing. Your baby may experience a bloated belly after feeding, this can be a sign that your baby has swallowed too much gas during the feeding. Your baby might also be irritable and cry more than usual because of the discomfort in his tummy. He might pass more wind than normal, and may burp, belch or pass gas excessively. Here's how you can help your baby feel less bloated: 

1) Feed your baby in a slightly reclining position. This helps reduce the amount of air he or she swallows.

2) Don't overfeed your little one. Stop feeding him or her if he or she refuses or turns away from the bottle or breast.

3) Burp during and after feeding to avoid the build-up of air in your baby's tummy.

Reference: Ministry of Health, HealthHub
